TRAPPED AT WHITE TIGER SANCTUM. | Shi Nai’an. Adapted By Ah Xiu & Ah Nan.

Zhaohua Publishing House, Beijing, 1982. Yan Meihua (illustratore). 1st of This Edition. 8 X 71/2″. 114 pages. Papeback. Covers have fold-in flap. A clean, straight book. Book Condition: buono Jacket: Binding: brossura Language: English Signature: Edition: Publisher: Zhaohua Publishing House Year: 1982 Status: For Sale “” Updated: 24072024


SKU: E218 Category: Tag:

Zhaohua Publishing House, Beijing, 1982. Yan Meihua (illustratore). 1st of This Edition. 8 X 71/2″. 114 pages. Papeback. Covers have fold-in flap. A clean, straight book.

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