About Us
THE OPEN DOOR BOOKSHOP has operated in Rome, Italy for more than forty years. Its name, as well as trying to express a cordial welcome to all book lovers, intends to testify to an open mind and a consuming curiosity for ideas of all kinds. We are attracted by the unusual and even the bizarre. The search for books is for us a treasure hunt among old, antiquarian and even new books. When we find these things we take them in English, Italian, French and Spanish.
What it may contain tomorrow is anyone’s guess. If you do not find what you are looking for in the catalog send us an e-mail and we will try to find it for you. If you have books to sell, let us know. We could be interested.
And good hunting!
Sabina Ciuffa, Paola Ciuffa & Lavinia Ciuffa.
Collaborators (past & present):
Fabiana Ciccone, Edilio Stefano Milsani, Andrea Boncristiani, Filippo e Valerio Tirelli, Vittoria e Sebastiano Careddu, Barbara Majolo, Federico e Fiamma Fiermonte, Paolo Brozzi e Federico Politano.