George Bell and sons,1900,London.Bordeaux cloth hardback with gilt titles on spine,no jacket, first collected by T.Ashe, Bohn’s Standard Library, hinges weak, covers and corners worn, a bit stained on first pages, 552pp+ ads,ink stamp on page 111.
Lectures and notes on Shakespeare and other English poets | Coleridge,Samuel Taylor

George Bell and sons,1900,London.Bordeaux cloth hardback with gilt titles on spine,no jacket, first collected by T.Ashe, Bohn’s Standard Library, hinges weak, covers and corners worn, a bit stained on first pages, 552pp+ ads,ink stamp on page 111. \n\n Book Condition: buono \n Jacket: senza sovraccoperta \n Binding: Rilegato \n Language: English \n Signature: \n Edition: \n Publisher: Bell and sons \n Year: 1900 \n Status: For Sale \n Updated: 100225
25,00 €
Availability: 1 in stock