Canadian Women’s Educational Press, Toronto, 1974. Soft cover. Condizione: Fine. 1st Edition, pp. [vii] + 41. A collection of 15 songs including music, by Cape Breton’s First Lady of Song; illustrated with b/w pictures.
Born a Woman: Songs by Rita MacNeil | MacNeil,Rita

Canadian Women’s Educational Press, Toronto, 1974. Soft cover. Condizione: Fine. 1st Edition, pp. [vii] + 41. A collection of 15 songs including music, by Cape Breton’s First Lady of Song; illustrated with b/w pictures. \n\n Book Condition: buono \n Jacket: \n Binding: brossura \n Language: English \n Signature: \n Edition: \n Publisher: Canadian Women’s educational press \n Year: 1974 \n Status: Sold Out \n Updated: 100225
35,00 €