The Collected Poems | Avraham Ben Yitzhak


PB, pp. 121. Poetry. Jewish Studies. Translated by Peter Cole. Introduced by Hannan Hever. Avraham Ben Yitzhak, also known as Abraham Sonne, was a Galicia-born, Berlin-and-Vienna-bred Hebrew writer who fled Europe for Palestine in the late thirties. \n \n Book Condition: ottimo \n Jacket: \n Binding: brossura \n Language: English \n Signature: \n Edition: \n Publisher: Dvir Intrator \n Status: Sold Out

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PB, pp. 121. Poetry. Jewish Studies. Translated by Peter Cole. Introduced by Hannan Hever. Avraham Ben Yitzhak, also known as Abraham Sonne, was a Galicia-born, Berlin-and-Vienna-bred Hebrew writer who fled Europe for Palestine in the late thirties.